From My Blog

Draft Dodgers

Posted on December 31, 2023

I was in my teens and early twenties during the Vietnam War and had three experiences with American draft dodgers that I’ve never forgotten. Our family had our photo taken with a tour group on our 1969 vacation. The first happened in an American Denny’s Restaurant on a family vacation in 1969. While we were eating […]

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The Importance of Family History

Posted on December 26, 2023

My paternal grandfather and me. Grandpa shared many stories of his childhood and his experiences during the Russian Revolution with his children and grandchildren In a Toronto Globe and Mail op ed this month Robin Pascoe writes about why it is important for the older generation to tell our children and grandchildren our family’s stories. […]

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Ozempic! A Sixties Flashback?

Posted on December 22, 2023

Recently Oprah Winfrey gave a major boost to the sale of the drug Ozempic when she hinted she’s been taking it to lose weight. Ozempic which was approved to treat diabetes in 2017 has been found to also be effective at helping people drop unwanted pounds. Oprah’s news has caused a huge jump in already skyrocketing […]

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Such Great Questions

Posted on November 21, 2023

Yesterday thanks to a time difference between Manitoba and our neighbouring province, I was dressed and at my desk by 7 am to chat with Lindsey Ecker’s high school English class at United Mennonite Educational Institute in southern Ontario. They had just finished reading my novel Lost on the Prairie . On Friday their teacher […]

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I Just Love It When Connections Like This Happen

Posted on November 12, 2023

Yesterday I was at the Christmas Market at the Steinbach Mennonite Heritage Village Museum selling my novels. A young woman named Amy came up to me and said both she and her husband were former students of mine. Turns out Amy has a jewelry business called Daizy and Dot and was at the Christmas Market […]

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My Novels Were In Frankfurt

Posted on October 31, 2023

Check out both my novels Lost on the Prairie and Sixties Girl in the bottom left hand corner of the photo There was an international book fair in Frankfurt, Germany October 18-22 and my publisher Heritage House had a display there which included both of my novels. With my husband Dave on the Eiserner Steg […]

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Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

Posted on October 23, 2023

Tomorrow I will be doing a school presentation for a class of grade six kids here in Winnipeg whose teacher just finished reading them my novel Lost on the Prairie. One of the things the teacher wants me to talk about with them is where I get my ideas for the things I write. She […]

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A Play List And Painted Rocks

Posted on September 21, 2023

My friend Erin suggested I make a playlist for my novel Sixties Girl so I’ve created one on YouTube and you can find it here. Thanks so much, Erin for the suggestion. Each song on the list is featured somewhere in the book. Laura is one of the narrators in Sixties Girl. Both I Feel […]

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Sixties Girl Goes to Paris

Posted on August 11, 2023

Sixties Girl with a glass of Chardonnay and one of France’s famous galettes The city of Paris plays a role in my latest novel Sixties Girl. Laura, one of the narrators has a surprising discussion with a classmate named Gloria on their high school graduation night. Gloria tells Laura she is moving to Paris. In […]

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Time for a Novel Round-up!

Posted on July 3, 2023

This lovely photo of my novel appeared on the Library of A Misfit Instagram page I’m hoping summer will provide a bit of a break from the busyness of the author part of my life. But I find if I wait too long to do updates about what’s going on with my novels I forget […]

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