From My Blog

A Little Teaser

Posted on August 8, 2024

I am working on a third novel. It will finish the series that begins with Lost on the Prairie my first book and Sixties Girl, the second one. This yet unnamed story will take place, between the time periods in the other two novels, in 1939, near the end of the depression and just before […]

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What A Realistic Painting!

Posted on August 5, 2024

Look at this AMAZING painting some kids from Sargent Park School here in Winnipeg did after reading my novel Lost on the Prairie. This is a section in the book that has my hero Peter escaping from a burning barn where he is spending the night. Can you see Peter just outside the barn door […]

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The House on the Highway is Gone

Posted on August 4, 2024

Yesterday I was in Steinbach all day. Driving to meet a friend for lunch I passed one of the homes I lived in as a child in the community. It was gone!! In its place was an apartment complex. I don’t when was the last time I drove by the location since I’m not in […]

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I’d Like to Visit Gull Lake Saskatchewan

Posted on May 26, 2024

Yellow Canary Books & Stationary Earlier this month a unique little bookshop set in an historic home in Gull Lake Saskatchewan called Yellow Canary Books featured my novel Lost on the Prairie on their Instagram page. I’d love to go to Gull Lake and visit the Yellow Canary Bookshop someday. I had a wonderful time […]

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The Smell and 10 Other Reasons I Love McNally Robinson Booksellers

Posted on April 27, 2024

Image from the Canadian Independent Booksellers Association website Today is Canadian Independent Bookstore Day! It’s a day for readers, writers and publishers to celebrate bookstores that aren’t part of a larger chain but operate independently to serve their communities in unique ways. The McNally Robinson Booksellers store at Grant Park Shopping Centre. Photo by Mike […]

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A Great Morning and A Great Lunch

Posted on April 26, 2024

On Tuesday morning at 9:00 o’clock I paid a visit to a class of Grade 3s at Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School. They had just finished reading my novel Lost on the Prairie. They were a fabulous group of kids full of great questions about the story. Kids’ artwork -the hero of my novel on his […]

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On An Author High

Posted on April 20, 2024

I’m always on a high after I do a school visit. Yesterday I did a virtual one with a class of grade four and five students from Brownell School in Saskatoon. A student teacher had just completed a novel study of my book Lost on the Prairie with her class and invited me to Zoom […]

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Grateful to the Canada Council

Posted on April 2, 2024

Recently I received a generous check from the Canada Council for the Arts. One of the purposes of this money is to reimburse authors whose works are in libraries across the country. Over 18,000 Canadian authors receive a cheque of between $50 and $4500 annually as a way to compensate them for free public access […]

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Oh Where Oh Where Have You Been?

Posted on March 28, 2024

I am giving a talk to a seniors group this afternoon about my two books. Putting my slides together I realized all the interesting places my novels have been. On a canoe trip In Paris In Brisbane Australia By the ocean in Newfoundland In a garden in Halifax Attracting hummingbirds by a lake In Hong […]

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What’s Happening In My Author World?

Posted on January 29, 2024

I was interviewed at my launch by amazing author Colleen Nelson. Her latest book is The Umbrella House. I only discovered recently that in April of 2023 when Sixties Girl was launched, it made The Hamilton Review of Bestselling Books at Independent Bookstores. Thanks to my publisher Heritage House for including Sixties Girl in its […]

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