MaryLou Driedger, the author of the time travel book Sixties Girl and the adventure story Lost on the Prairie, has had a few adventures of her own. Her curiosity and love of learning have taken her to some fifty destinations across the globe. She has been a teacher in three different countries and is a former Manitoba Teacher of the Year.
MaryLou’s writing adventures include more than three decades as a columnist for a large regional Manitoba newspaper The Carillon. Before she moved to Hong Kong in 2003 she served as a Winnipeg Free Press columnist for three years. Hundreds of her freelance pieces have been published in magazines, newspapers, anthologies, books, journals, travel guides, institutional histories, and curriculums and she has written the script and lyrics for a musical.
Shortly after relocating back to Manitoba in 2011, MaryLou embarked on another writing adventure when she joined a professional development group for children’s authors and began taking children’s writing courses and attending children’s writing conferences.
MaryLou chronicles her adventures on her popular daily blog What Next and via her active social media accounts.
How Did MaryLou Driedger become a writer?